1. SIBER::allgroups
    The entire set of Geese isotope data
    matrix|251 x 5
  2. SIBER::concdepdemo
    A set of concentration dependence values for stable isotope analysis
  3. SIBER::correctionsdemo
    A set of trophic discrimination factors for brent geese feeding on their sources.
  4. SIBER::demo.siber.data
    Simulated d13C and d15N isotope-space data
  5. SIBER::demo.siber.data.2
    Simulated d13C and d15N isotope-space data
  6. SIBER::geese1demo
    A single group of the geese data
  7. SIBER::geese2demo
    A single group of the geese data
    matrix|251 x 3
  8. SIBER::mongoose
    A set of isotope observations for mongooses nested within packs
  9. SIBER::sourcesdemo
    A set of isotope observations on food sources of brent geese